3D NAND flash is a type of flash memory in which the memory cells are stacked vertically in multiple layers. Flash manufacturers developed 3D NAND to address challenges they encountered in scaling 2D/planar NAND technology to achieve higher densities at a lower cost per bit
The global 3D NAND Flash Memory market will reach xxx Million USD in 2017 and CAGR xx% 2011-2017. The report begins
Table of Content
1 Industry Overview
1.1 3D NAND Flash Memory Industry
1.1.1 Overview
1.1.2 Development of 3D NAND Flash Memory
1.2 Market Segment
1.2.1 Upstream
1.2.2 Downstream
1.3 Cost Analysis
2 Industry Environment
2.1 Policy
2.2 Economics
2.3 Sociology
2.4 Technology
3 3D NAND Flash Memory Market by Type
3.1 Segment Overview