Hexahydro-1,3,5-tris-(-2-hydroxyethyl)-s-triazine is a formaldehyde condensate product that is used as an antimicrobial agent in metal working fluids. Hexahydro-1,3,5-tris-(-2-hydroxyethyl)-s-triazine is a low to moderate hazard material and risk of adverse health effects associated with both occupational and consumer use of this chemical is anticipated to be low to moderate”
This report d
Table of Content
Part 1 Industry Overview
1.1 Hexahydro-1, 3, 5-tris (hydroxyethyl)-s-triazine (CAS 4719-04-4) Industry
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Industry Trend
1.2 Industry Chain
1.2.1 Upstream
1.2.2 Technology
1.2.3 Cost Structure
1.2.4 Consumer Preference
1.2.2 Downstream
Part 2 Industry Overall
2.1 Industry History
2.2 Develo