Low trauma adhesives are skin-friendly adhesives for bandages, dressings and surgical tapes. The goal is not only to alleviate pain when removing skin adhesives, but also to avoid exacerbating existing wounds and ulcers or creating new ones.”
The global Low Trauma/Skin Friendly Adhesives market size is estimated at xxx million USD with a CAGR xx% from 2015-2019 and is expected to reach xx
Table of Content
1 Industry Overview
1.1 Low Trauma/Skin Friendly Adhesives Industry
Figure Low Trauma/Skin Friendly Adhesives Industry Chain Structure
1.1.1 Overview
1.1.2 Development of Low Trauma/Skin Friendly Adhesives
1.2 Market Segment
1.2.1 Upstream
Table Upstream Segment of Low Trauma/Skin Friendly Adhesives
1.2.2 Dow